April 2015
Last month I participated in the “Blogging from A-Z Challenge”
What was it?
I blogged everyday beginning on April first with a topic themed on something with the letterA, then on April second another topic with the letter B as the theme, and so on and finished on April thirtieth with the theme based on the letter Z. The theme of the day was the letter scheduled for that day.
My theme was short fictional (well mostly fictional) stories about women. Each woman’s name began with the appropriate letter of the alphabet for that day.
Today’s post is a reflection of my experience with the A-Z challenge.
I have participated in this challenged since 2012. So this was my fourth time.
This year, as in years past, instead of having all 26 posts written ahead of time, I wrote my posts just one or two days before the specified letter day.
Doing it this way provided me with an encouraging nudge to get back into writing more regularly.
As some of you know, my son passed away in 2011, the same year I started my blog. Writing that year helped me sort out the most painful and emotional period of my life.
As time went on, I slowly began an awakening. By that I mean the ice cold shock started to thaw and the awareness of my loss heightened.
I became sad, lethargic and depressed. As you can see by my stats, it was obvious that my desire to write waned
I described it this way in my L post:
"Her stories became mournful.
They were filled with melancholy yesterdays.
Then one day, there were no more stories for she could
no longer imagine.”
For me this year’s challenge was the most fulfilling and rewarding.
I attempted fiction for the first time. In doing so, I re-discovered my imagination and my love of story telling.
For a few hours a day I was able to escape away into the minds, hearts and souls of my own creations.
About half way through the challenge, I worried that I may have been a little too ambitious in my commitment to write these 26 pieces.
But in reality I found that I not only looked forward to the stories these women were determined to tell, I realized that they would absolutely not remain silent.
By the beginning of week 4, I started to think about how my blog might evolve. Perhaps I would include a fictional story one day a week. Perhaps I could try to make a commitment to keep my blog updated on a regular basis. Maybe, I could write on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays with themes for each day. I have to do more thinking about my plans.
This year’s challenge, in particular, has helped to lead me down that path.
The second part of the challenge is to visit other blogging participants. So far I have gone to 250 other blogs.
I have discovered several new blogs to follow.
There were many, but I’d like to specifically mention a few:
Tamara Nayaran, Author: I learned that math can be interesting and fun.
The Bird’s Nest: A fellow Jersey girl, reminded me how many interesting places there are to visit in our home state.
Doctor Faerie: A to Z video posts about the trials and tribulations of writing to publish. Although that is something I have never even thought about doing, I found her advice thoroughly interesting.
A Bench With A View: Betty’s blog is not new to me. She has visited my blog every day of the challenge and has left kind and encouraging comments.
Laws of Gravity Liz’s blog is not new to me. She also has visited my blog every day of the challenge. Having loyal readers like Liz encouraged me to keep writing.
I did find many blogs that did not keep up with the challenge.
This is the harder part for me. I try to keep an open mind when visiting other blogs. But just as I’m sure my blog is not going to appeal to everyone, there were blog topics which did not interest me.
Even though I might not re-visit those blogs, I appreciate their commitment to their passions.
I have to admit I am a little disappointed that I did not reach my goal of 100 followers. I did pick up 5 new ones but lost one along the way.
But I still have a lot of visiting to do.
I have to say, that I have no criticism, negative or constructive of how the challenge is organized.
For me it was a positive experience.
I would like to thank the leaders, organizers and helpers of the A to Z challenge.
Arlee Bird, thank you for originating this challenge.
Thanks for mentioning me Lynda. I really did enjoy reading each of these stories. I wondered if you got the inspiration to write them from the writing class you had taken a little bit ago. They were all very well done!
ReplyDeleteHere's the interesting thing about followers; I don't take much stock in them. I picked up several new followers during the challenge but they RARELY if ever commented on any of my posts. I wondered if they just attached themselve to my blog hoping I would do the same, which that's not how I operate, LOL. I follow a blog because I want to get to know someone, read their posts, comment on them, etc. I carefully choose who I will follow because I know that will be a commitment to read what they write and develop a relationship with them.
I did read lots of blogs during the challenge (up to 2-1/2 hours a day or more, LOL). Some of the topics really did not interest me but I did try to leave a comment about what they wrote when I visited. I despite "fly by" comments, a couple of which I got through the challenge "Interesting topic, come visit me" because you wonder if they ever bothered to read what you wrote. Again, I read for friendship and to leave a comment to let them know at least I read what they thought was important to read.
Of those I visited, perhaps 20% returned the visit, but that's okay.
I did read several of Jaybird's posts about New Jersey; it is a pretty state and one I would like to visit sometime!
Good for you for partaking in and finishing the challenge! Hope you are up to it for next year as well!
Thank you for your thought provoking comment. I understand what you said about followers. I notice the difference in my “voice” when I am writing from my heart.
DeleteI don't much pay attention to followers. I pay attention to commenters. Because it's really easy to follow and then ignore the blogs you're following (I know I have several that I "follow" but never visit).
ReplyDeleteYour theme was fun this year. I'm glad your finding your stories again. It takes time, but it's worth it, isn't it?
I agree with you about followers vs comments. Promoting a dialog and developing relationships is a worthy goal.
DeleteYes, for sure, finding my way back to my stories has certainly given me a much needed boost.
I found your blog through the A to Z Challenge and loved your stories but didn't realise this was your first attempt at writing fiction - you wrote like a pro!! I also didn't know about the other things that had happened so I hope I didn't leave any comments that might have hit a nerve. Your stories helped me a lot with coming to terms with some of the emotional things going on in my life at the moment so I just wanted to thank you again and say as one of your new followers I will be CONTINUING to follow your posts throughout the coming year :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. I appreciate your interest and support. I will be visiting you too. :)
DeleteThis is my first visit to your blog and I'm coming from the reflections. I feel pretty much the same as your other commentators about followers. I really do the challenge for myself and my writing. I enjoy getting comments and I do reply and visit back but I'm not in it to gain a lot of followers etc.
ReplyDeleteNow that I've read your wrap up, I want to go read some of your fiction!
Thanks to your comment and the others I have received, you all have given me another perspective about followers.
DeleteThank you for visiting. I will be by yours. :)
I'm so sorry to learn about your son. I didn't know that. I'm glad you are healing. I found writing/blogging about my Mother when she passed a few years ago very cathartic. I actually did in a-b-c style. I used the letters to help me remember a story or happening. I did get stuck on a few letters, and actually never finished the alphabet. I wrote them slowly, perhaps I'll revisit and see if I can remember something for those missing letters. Glad you enjoyed your experience with a-z. I am officially following you now, actually thought I had already done that since I added you to my blog log.
ReplyDeleteThank you for you condolences. It’s been tough. I lost my mom only a few months before my son was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer.
DeleteI have a great deal of respect for your worthy cause. You have put a face and individuality to a group of our community that most people don’t get to know on that level.
Your story is so inspiring. I'm so sorry for your loss and understand how it would have dragged down your desire to create. I admire your strength and resilience.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind and comforting words. I really appreciate them.
DeleteI am new to your blog from the A-Z challenge and I must say you have a talent for telling a story. I hope you are able to keep writing and it helps you to continue to deal with the loss of your son.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting and for your kind words. And yes, my aim is to keep on writing because it truly does help.
DeleteThanks for the mention. Yours was one of my favorites because of the characters. Sometimes I find it hard to get into flash fiction pieces, but these were so easy to read and identify with. I'm surprised to read this was your first foray into fiction writing, and I'm also so sorry to hear about your son and hope things continue to get better.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your condolences. Comments like yours regarding my stories are encouraging.
DeleteHello there.
ReplyDeleteWell done not only for completing the challenge, but also for visiting 200+ blogs!
I also finished the challenge (my second year) and so far have visited 450+ and counting blogs. For my own sanity, I did have to pre-write and pre-schedule my posts...I might not have finished otherwise due to the overwhelming task of reading/visiting/commenting. This is a huge event and I'm not sure what can be done to better organize it. Arlee and his co-hosts do a lot of work behind the scenes as well as managing their own blogs. There are, however, a lot of spammy and advertizing blogs that always seem to get on the list or simply others who link up then post nothing or just one or two posts for the whole month of April.
Before I go, I'd just like to offer my condolences on the loss of your son. The death of a loved one is never easy to bear. Sadly, many people do not realize the Bible can actually be a real source of comfort during such times. If you have a spare moment (and a Bible), I encourage you to read the following scriptures:
John 5:28, 29
Acts 24:15
Revelation 20:12, 13 and Revelation 21:4
Please know these are not some wishy washy promises made by mortal man, but a sure, solid hope of a resurrection, of seeing our dead loved ones again in the near future. God's Word is true since God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Wishing you well.
Entrepreneurial Goddess
Thank you for visiting. The A-Z challenge was interesting and a lot of fun.
DeleteThank you also for your condolences. I have little to none experience with the Bible. But I understand many do receive a great deal of comfort from their spirituality. And I thank you for reaching out to me.
I am finding you through your reflection. Sorry I never made it during the challenge. I am a writer too and I attacked the large list of participants by visiting the (WR) designations, as many as I could. I'm sure you have heard the expression about writing your way into the story.... write yourself into the future that is beckoning you forward.
ReplyDeleteI know the list is a little overwhelming. The reflections list is more manageable.
DeleteMy interest in writing has been re-ignited with the A-Z challenge. I have an idea to pursue with my blog. But right now it’s just running around my brain. Thank you for your suggestion. It’s a good one :)
That was very ambitious to attempt fiction for the first time with 26 Challenge posts. Congrats! Now I wish I had been following along, but I can delve back. Writing has been such a balm to me through hard times but especially the hardest - losing my stepson in 2013, so I can appreciate the feelings you describe here. I plan to be back to check out your future posts.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed doing the fiction thoroughly. On a personal level it has opened up new possibilities for me.
DeleteI scooted over to your blog for a brief visit. I’ll be back later. :)
I hope you do continue with the fiction - it's quite good! Glad you paid my blog a visits so that I got back to yours, looking forward to reading more.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting and for the compliment. I do appreciate the encouraging words.
DeleteCongrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year!
ReplyDeleteMary @ Jingle Jangle Jungle
DeleteI am glad you found this year's challenge rewarding! And I am also happy you got new ideas out of it for your blog :) I did too, and this is my 4th year too! I read some of your posts along the way, and I like your style of fiction. Keep writing! :)
ReplyDelete@TarkabarkaHolgy from
Multicolored Diary
I agree the challenge is great for many reasons, but motivation especially. I made a promise to myself to keep writing, I hope to do so!
DeleteFirst of all I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the loss of your son. Having lost a child myself, I know the anguish and depression that follows and that the pain never goes away. It does, somehow, not hurt as much every day, but getting to that point is different for everyone. My heart goes out to you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on making it all the way through . My mistake this year was not preparing my post in advance . It left far too little time for me to visit other blogs. I don't put any stock in followers because not many of them read or comment. It's people who take the time to leave a comment and engage in conversation who matter most to me. Take care
I am sorry for your loss. You know I understand.
DeleteThank you for your condolences. It is tough.
The challenge was fun and therapeutic in some respects. I understand what you mean about followers.
In the past I have not been as diligent about leaving comments after visiting a blog. But now, especially after completing the challenge, I have tried to lurk less and comment more. It does make a difference!
I have been to your blog on previous A to Z Challenges. Sadly, I didn't make it this year. It is so hard to get around to all the blogs during April. This is my first year for the A to Z Road Trip. I find it easier to stop and look around. Then I bookmark those blogs I want to return to. Which is what I will be doing with yours today! I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a son. I am so very sorry!
ReplyDeleteHi Paula, I am a frequent visitor to your blog. I may not always comment, something I probably should do more of, I guess, but I do enjoy your posts.
DeleteI am also participating in the A to Z Road Trip. I tried to visit as many blogs as I could during the challenge. It’s really hard. I do understand. Thanks for stopping by.
As a first time visitor, I didn't know about your son. I am so sorry for your loss, but pleased to hear you are starting to come to terms with it.
ReplyDeleteOn a happier note, I really loved your theme. I have just started writing fiction for my blog ready for my theme in June and I offer you sincere congratulations on writing 26 pieces in one month!
Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip
Thank you for the visit and for your condolences.
DeleteGood luck with your fiction. I did have fun with it.