The following is a quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet:
This above
all: to thine own self be true,
And it
must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst
not then be false to any man.
I am a
filterer. I take into consideration other’s feelings and I am
careful about what I say. By that I mean I think before I speak.
though, I would love to be candid and respond by “mine own true
self" to those whose filters have clearly become clogged. On the
other hand, giving them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps it is just that they
have basked too long in the bliss of their ignorance and their filters have
combusted. Whoosh! Gone!
"At the
tone please leave your message:” Beeeeep.

Now, of course Mrs. Harris wasn’t the first one to implant such a message.
My mother told the following story many, many times.
My mother told the following story many, many times.
Imagine this in my mother’s voice:
“I’ll never forget this." (She always started off a story with that sentence and believe me she never forgot this one.)
“When it was time for Lynda to start school, there was an orientation at Lincoln school in June for the children who would be starting school in September. It was held in the auditorium at an assembly which included all of the students in the school. At the end of the assembly, Miss Kelly, the principal, asked each of the new kindergarteners to come up on stage and say their name.”
“And do you know that Lynda would not go up on that stage.”
"She was so shy, she just wouldn’t go up there.”
" All of the other kids went up and said their name, but not Lynda. Nope she was just too shy.”
So, first of all “thine self” are you shy?
I decided to do a little research.
Google led me to the Wellesley College’s psychology department's website and to this link. It contains a little quiz titled “How Shy Are You?”
This was the result I got after taking the quiz: "Your total is 46. You are somewhat shy. Most shy people score over 39
and a few reach the possible high score of 65."
Okay, I would agree with that assessment. I am somewhat shy. I know I have come to depend on that evaluation of my personality as an explanation (okay in the vein of "true selfness”, maybe sometimes an excuse) of certain behaviors of mine.
But, Mrs. Harris, is this really something that I need to overcome?
Today I make this declaration. I will embrace my somewhat shyness. I will rewind my BVR back to 1983 and replay what that nice man (who found me in a corner all by myself and was the only one to ask me to partner with him)I met in an assertiveness training class. When asked to give a first impression of your partner he said the following:
“Lynda, I find you to be a gentle lady and quite charming.”
Aww, pshaw. Really?
Message Saved.
Here is the catch up entries from Anna’s diary:
Today I make this declaration. I will embrace my somewhat shyness. I will rewind my BVR back to 1983 and replay what that nice man (who found me in a corner all by myself and was the only one to ask me to partner with him)I met in an assertiveness training class. When asked to give a first impression of your partner he said the following:
“Lynda, I find you to be a gentle lady and quite charming.”
Aww, pshaw. Really?
Message Saved.
I have created a page for Anna's Diary. It can be found under the Tab titled Anna's Diary.
I have posted all of the entries to date there, starting with January 1, 1929.
Here is the catch up entries from Anna’s diary:
Sunday July 21, 1929
Dinner at Mrs. Naps. Left about three to go see Mr. Nap who is away on a farm for his health with Margaret. Stayed overnight. Junior loves it.
Monday, July 22, 1929
Came home today from Stockton, NJ with Mrs. Nap and Junior. Good trip home. Very tired and straight to bed. [On today’s roads it would take 1 hour and 15 minutes to get from Anna’s home in Newark, NJ to Stockton, NJ.]
Tues. July 23, 1929
Went to 360. Baby caught his thumb in the car door. Quite upset and Dr. Murray not in. By night it was almost all better. Transaction of Fireman’s Shares.
Wed. July 24, 1929
Went to Ocean Grove with Edythe to see her mother-in-law in her car. Junior along. Stopped at Allenhust for a while. On way home stopped at Dream land Park.[couldn’t find any info on Dreamland park]
Thurs. July 23, 1929
Mary phoned. Met her and went down town to get info at the Provident Loan co. She was very interested in it. Home 4:30 for supper.
Friday, July 26
Today is St. Ann’s Day. Edythe for lunch. Drove back down town with her. Charlotte here doing the laundry. Supper at 360. Went to Branford.
Sat. July 27, 1929.
Home all day. Peg here from last night. Lounged all day. Jean home at 2. Had supper at the “Green Door" on Clifton Ave. Went to Naps re: banquet.
Sun. July 28, 1929
Drove Mrs. Cryer to N.Y. to ferry for boat to Boston. Mr. Cryer very thin and still sick. Went to Cousin Meg’s for data on her car. Home early.
Monday, July 29, 1929
Home all day. Slim here to fix drainage. Jean came home for supper. Marietta phoned to ask about where to give Dinner Dance for Jeawel on Sept 15th pin honor of passing her bar.
Tues. July 30, 1929
Mrs. Nap phone to say she had a letter from her husband at the farm. He is in need of several things and she asked me to driver her out on Thursday.
Wed. July 31, 1929
Home until noon. Went to 360 and had long debate with Mother and Father on Paren Love to children. They misunderstood my argument entirely.